Investing in Women and Girls

A Future of Equality

Education for All

Building a Future of Possibilities

Empowering Artisans

A Celebration of Culture and Craft

Protecting Nature

A Commitment to Conservation

Yo Compenso VOW

VOW is a Faunam initiative in collaboration with Alternare and the local indigenous communities.

It is an opportunity for sensible couples who are concerned about the well-being of the planet and wish to offset part of the ecological footprint associated to their wedding events by adopting a grove of trees amidst the forests of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in the states of Michoacán and Estado de México to be safeguarded by the local indigenous communities.

Too Young to Wed

VOW is a Faunam initiative in collaboration with Alternare and the local indigenous communities.

It is an opportunity for sensible couples who are concerned about the well-being of the planet and wish to offset part of the ecological footprint associated to their wedding events by adopting a grove of trees amidst the forests of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in the states of Michoacán and Estado de México to be safeguarded by the local indigenous communities.

Game Rangers International

Non-profit organisation established in Zambia in 2008. GRI works in close partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to empower Rangers and Local Communities to conserve nature.

Patronato Pro Niños

We are part of this non-profit organization serving the disadvantaged children of San Miguel since 1970.

Whose mission is to provide medical, dental, psychological and nutritional care to children and adolescents of economically disadvantaged families in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende.

Umoja Children’s Home

Helping vulnerable and orphan children in Kenya reach their full potential. We collaborate closely with the community, churches, institutions, business entrepreneurs, and family members.

Save the Elephants

Our mission is to secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live; to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.

Mujeres en cambio, A.C.

Mujeres en Cambio (Women in Change) from San Miguel de Allende is a legally established non-profit organization run by volunteers committed to enhancing the lives of women living in the rural communities near San Miguel de Allende, Gto. Mexico.

Scholarships from Mujeres en Cambio enable rural girls to continue their education beyond grade school. The added expense for tuition, books, transportation, etc. Would otherwise make continuing in school prohibitive for these girls’ families.

Completing their education will enhance their independence and help break the chain of poverty for them and their families.

Project Luangwa

Our Mission Statement is Community empowerment through the benefits of tourism, by improving education and gender equality.

Fundación Comunitaria Don Diego

Non profit organization,registered in México. As a community foundation, our focus is centered in this village, coordinating various programs, both of our own foundation, and of other NGO´s.

Half of our Board are members of the community.

El maíz más pequeño A.C.

We support an association committed to the regeneration of soil, water and Biodiversity in Doña Juana Micro Basin, San Miguel de Allende.

In partnership with different individuals, schools and museums we bring children from rural communities to San Miguel so they can see the churches, buildings and museums. The children not only visit San Miguel but they learn their history.

San Miguel Community Foundation

The San Miguel Community Foundation (SMCF), a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation awards grants twice a year to eligible Mexican non-profits that are the neediest at the time of grant review.

In the past six years, the foundation has donated over $584, 600.00 to the San Miguel de Allende community from its own treasury.
Vivimos aqui! Donamos Aqui!

Santuario Felino Rey Ashoka

We raise awareness among humans about the care and responsibility towards animals. We support sterilization campaigns for dogs and cats.

Feed the Hungry San Miguel

We rely almost entirely on private donations to deliver balanced meals, nutrition education, and ancillary programs to thousands of hungry children in economically disadvantaged communities.

Help us break the devastating cycle of poverty and hunger in the poorest communities of San Miguel de Allende.

Jóvenes Adelante

Jóvenes Adelante provides financial assistance, mentorship and customized support to high-achieving, economically disadvantaged San Miguel de Allende youth in pursuit of higher education.

Casita Linda, A.C.

Casita Linda is a Mexican non-profit organization founded in 2001. they build adobe brick homes for families who are among the poorest of the poor in San Miguel de Allende and the surrounding areas in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.

Their volunteers, contributors and families share a broader purpose: to alter the destiny of poverty. Our mission is to help create a more dignified, safe and empowering environment that will provide a foundation of hope for families living in extreme poverty.

Casa Hogar Santa Julia Don Bosco, A.C.

Casa Hogar Santa Julia is a home for children from precarious family circumstances. The children are brought to the home by police, social services personnel, and family members, and are received into the arms of five Madres or Sisters, who immediately begin raising the girls in pure love.

The results are amazing: Children with developmental disabilities are straightened out with sound nutrition. Children with psychological conflicts are righted. The children typically then go on to school, make good grades, and begin planning professional careers.

The Madres receive almost nothing from anyone other than individuals and community organizations in San Miguel. It takes only $3 USD a day to meet the basic needs of a child at Santa Julia. Call today for a tour, an opportunity to meet these amazing children and their miracle-making Madres.

Caminamos Juntos

Caminamos Juntos assists Mexican nationals deported from the U.S. who arrive in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, wanting to live and work there. Our goal is to treat everyone with respect and dignity and to help them successfully adjust to life in Mexico.

Sociedad Protectora de Animales, A.C. (SPA)

The S.P.A. is an organization existing for the well being of abandoned and homeless dogs and cats in San Miguel de Allende and environs. Our on-premise clinic offers low cost health care for pets owned by people of modest means. We also provide spay/neuter services to help curb animal reproduction.

The people who serve this organization are individuals dedicated to bringing more awareness of the important gifts animals provide humans. The first level of this is taking care of the animals’ needs. This Association enthusiastically seeks permanent loving homes for ALL of our resident animals.

Del Lirio

We are a community of entrepreneurs that offers eco-alternatives related to the water lily.

La Biblioteca Publica

A non-profit organization that has been serving the San Miguel community for more than 65 years. The mission of the Biblioteca is to provide, develop and maintain educational and cultural activities that contribute toward an integrated and harmonious community.

Apoyo a Gente Emprendedora, A.C.

Apoyo a Gente Emprendedora or “Apoyo,” helps individuals or existing small businesses by providing small loans, management support and mentoring in order to enable them to engage in income-producing and civic improvement activities, resulting in growth, self-esteem and financial worth.